1st Whickham (St. Mary's) Scouts

Monday, March 31, 2014

Where do I put my badges?

If you're sewing badges onto your uniform, how do you know you've got them in the right place? Each section has a guide on the http://scouts.org.uk/home/ website. To make it easier here are the links for each section. If you have any trouble, don't worry, just make sure you ask your section leader for advice.

Beaver Scout badges

Cub Scout Badges

Scout Badges

These external links open Acrobat PDF files from the members area on http://scouts.org.uk/, if you'd like to know more about PDF files and how to open them please visit Adobe.

Scout Membership Award
The Membership Award - the first badge we sew on our uniforms.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Have you got a story about 1st Whickham you'd like told?

If you've had a great weekend camping with the Scouts, were able to use your Scouting skills at school or at home or just wanted to share something about your Scouting experiences with 1st Whickham then please get in touch as I'd love to put a few stories and photographs on this blog and on our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/1stwhickham

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

End of term is approaching - nearly time for Easter!

Schools in Gateshead are breaking up for Easter on Friday 4th April and returning on Tuesday 22nd April (source Gateshead Council checked 24th March 2014) and, as a result, there will be no regular section meetings at Heron House.

  • Beavers and Gibside Cubs. The last meeting before Easter will be Monday 31st March and the first meeting after Easter will be Monday 28th April. 
  • Chase Cubs and Scouts. The last meeting before Easter will be Friday 4th April and the first after Easter will be Friday 25th April. 

We hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday. Don't forget your Scouting promise while you're away! If you have any questions please see your section leaders.

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Family Quiz and 50/50 raffle has raised £500!

Thank you to everyone who supported the family quiz on Saturday (22nd March) with your help and support we have raised £500 to help us continue to provide a fun and exciting programme throughout the year.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Did you know we need volunteers?

Everything we do is done by a volunteer, whether it's writing a letter, mending a tent or cooking dinner for a score of hungry children and we'd really like to know if you can help us with any of the things we do? You don't have to commit to every week: we have helpers who can only come once or twice a month and we still value what they do for us. You don't even have to work with children, there are loads of tasks like administration, fund raising or general repairs and maintenance which you can help with. If you want to help all you need to do is get in touch and we'll get the ball rolling. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Subs are paid monthly by standing order

Subscriptions are £8.50 per month per member and are paid, by standing order, directly to the group's bank account. Please see your section leader for the account number and a standing order mandate which you can either present to your bank or use the details to set up the mandate by either telephone or online banking. When setting up your standing order please ensure you give your child's full name (first name and surname) as the reference, else we will not know who you're paying for!